New Features for live proctoring
We are making it easier to manage how students are assigned to live proctors. The most important changes are:
Proctors who have been pre-assigned students can still receive auto-assignments if they have slots available at any given time.
A proctor with 4 pre-assigned students and a maximum number of 6 proctored students can therefore get 2 extra auto-assigned students during the timeframe of the exam.
Pre-assigned students that don’t show up (no-shows) still count towards the number of assignments during the timeframe of the exam, as they may still show up.
Pre-assignments can be made for multiple, non-overlapping exams at once. Pre-assignments made for one exam don’t count towards the total available slots for a different exam that takes place on a different time slot.
Important: This only works if you set a first start time and last start time for the exam, otherwise the platform doesn’t know when the exam takes place.
It will not be possible to pre-assign proctors for sessions in exams that don’t have a last start time.
An extra 30 minutes is added to the duration of the exam in order to determine the timeframe of the exam, to allow for some slack.
If an exam does not have duration set, we will assume a maximum duration of 9 hours.
It’s possible to change the assigned proctor on the fly during an exam, if for example you see that a proctor isn’t online or for any other reason.
The Live Proctoring menu will now not just show the settings for live proctoring, but also all current live proctoring session, and all pre-assignments, making it easy to manage proctor assignments in one place.
New settings allow you to control the behaviour of the platform in case a student who should be live proctored does not get connected to a live proctor
There’s a setting to prevent a student from starting the exam setup if they are not connected to a live proctor.
It’s possible to tell ProctorExam to automatically re-assign students to a different live proctor after a certain time period, should the current assigned proctor be offline:
In case the pre-assigned proctor isn’t online when the student enters the exam room
In case the currently assigned proctor (pre-assigned and auto-assigned) suddenly becomes offline
Pre Assignment
With these options, it is possible to choose the live proctor who will proctor the students in advance of the exam. You can change the proctor value of a student session which is not in “in setup”, “exam not started” or “exam started” statuses.
On Manage Students Page
Students without any proctor assigned have “Auto” in their “Proctor” column
Click “Auto” to open Proctor Assignment Dialog
All eligible proctors will be listed in the dropdown.
Each proctor dropdown item shows proctor name, the number of student session already assigned for that time slot, the maximum number of student sessions for this proctor and the proctor’s connectivity status. The pattern is <proctor name> (<assigned count> / <max count>) [<status>]
Select a proctor from the dropdown and Click “Save” button to assign a proctor to a student. On successful action the student session row will show the proctor in “Proctor” column. Click proctor button (ProctorExam Proctor - Offline in the below screenshot) to re-open the Proctor Assignment Dialog and apply desired changes when needed.
On Live Proctoring Page
Pre Assignments Tab
This shows a table of all student sessions across all live proctoring exams which have a pre assigned proctor
This works the same as in the Manage Students Page, click proctor button (ProctorExam Proctor - Offline in the above screenshot) to re-open Proctor Assignment Dialog and apply desired changes when needed.
Note: Administrators will not be able to change pre-assignments for globally proctored exams.
Proctors Tab
This shows a table of all proctors visible to the logged in user. Superuser roles can see all proctors. Administrators can see only local proctors. Other roles have no access to this page.
Click pre assigned count button in “Pre Assignments” column to open “Pre Assignments Tab” only for that proctor.
NOTE: if you assign a different proctor to a student session while on the “filtered” Pre Assignment page, the filters won’t be updated and refreshing the page may show different students than initially shown
Live Assignment
Changing proctor value of a student session which is in “in setup”, “exam not started” or “exam started” statuses.
On Manage Students Page
Exactly the same as with Pre Assignment
On Live Proctoring Page
Active Sessions Tab
Table of all student sessions across all live proctoring exams which already started proctoring process either with “in setup”, “exam started” or “exam not started” statuses.
Additionally, if student sessions have ended, either by student or proctor, it will show up as an active session until the assigned proctor evaluates the session. That means, proctors must conclude ended sessions, either by “evaluate” or “evaluate later” options in order to be unassigned from the session.
As in the Manage Students Page, Click proctor button (Global Proctor 2 - Offline) in the above screenshot to re-open Proctor Assignment Dialog and apply desired changes when needed.
Note: Administrators are not able to manage assignments for globally proctored exams.
Proctors Tab
Table of all proctors visible to logged in user. Administrators can see only local proctors, superusers can see only local proctors and global proctors from the current institute. Other roles have no access to this page.
Click active sessions count button in “Active Sessions” row to open “Active Sessions Tab” only for that proctor.
IMPORTANT! Non evaluated sessions will occupy proctor slots as they are still ongoing, even after they have ended. Therefore, it’s important that proctors evaluate each session after they end.
Note that we only show sessions and proctors (including global proctors) from the institute you’re currently in. Superusers may therefore see that the number of assigned/pre-assigned students differs from the students shown in the assigned/pre-assigned tabs, as we only show students from the current institute!
Configure business rules:
Global Proctoring
Enable or disable global proctoring for the institute (superusers only).
Default for Max Assignments
- The maximum number of sessions that proctors can see on their screen at any time. Can be overridden per proctor on proctors page. Regardless of pre or auto assignments, the number of assigned sessions per proctor is calculated by overlapping session durations.
- For example; Let P be a proctor with 6 max assignments.
Let E1 be an exam with a first start time at 2024-01-01 09:45:00, a last start time at 2024-01-01 10:00:00 and a duration of 2 hours: the timeframe of this exam is between 09:45 and 12:15 (we add 30 minutes as a precaution), that is the timeframe during which students might be online and require a live proctor.
Let E2 be an exam which runs on the same day as E1 with a timeframe between 13:45 and 15:15, based on the first start time, last start time and duration.
Let E3 be an exam which runs on the same day as E1 with a timeframe between 8:45 and 11:15.
P can be assigned to 6 students for exam E1 as well as 6 for exam E2 as they don’t overlap.
When P is assigned to 3 students for exam E1, it can only be assigned to 3 students for E3, but still can be assigned to 6 students for E2.
- For example; Let P be a proctor with 6 max assignments.
Auto Switch When Pre Assigned Proctor Is Offline
- Students who are pre-assigned to a proctor will be switched to auto assignment if pre-assigned proctor cannot be connected in given time threshold. Otherwise students will not be live proctored until pre assigned proctor becomes online therefore connected.
Disabled (0 or null)
- Default setting. Pre assigned proctor will not change unless altered via Web or API. In case of unavailable proctor, student sessions will not be live proctored and the proctor column will be showing proctor name and status (offline), eg: “John Doe - offline”.
- Enabled (1 minute or greater)
- As an automated recovery process, the unavailable pre assigned proctor will be removed and the student will be auto assigned to a currently available proctor. After the auto switch is automatically executed:
- When any other suitable proctor is found, the proctor column will show “Assigned proctor name - online”
- When no proctor found for auto assignment, the proctor column will show “Auto - Not assigned”
Auto Switch When Initially Connected Proctor Becomes Offline
- Students who are already being live proctored will be switched back to auto assignment if the connected proctor cannot be reached up to configured time threshold. Otherwise students will continue to be live proctored after previously connected proctor becomes online again.
Disabled (0 or null)
- Default setting. In case of unexpected failure on proctor side who initially started proctoring sessions, all sessions will keep trying to re connect with proctor until exam ends.
proctor column will show “Proctor name - offline”
Enabled (1 minute or greater)
- As an automated recovery process, the disconnected live proctor will be replaced with the most suitable proctor after the number of minutes elapses:
- When any other suitable proctor is found, the proctor column will show “Assigned proctor name - online”
- When no proctor is found for auto assignment, the proctor column will show “Auto - Not assigned”
Disallow Students to start exam before proctor connected.
- Enable to prevent students from entering the exam room before a live proctoring connection is established.
- Disabled
- Default setting: Students can enter the exam room and start the exam even though there is no live proctor assigned and connected.
- Enabled
In this case students will be kept on a waiting screen until a live proctor is connected.
All pre- and live assignment, connections, disconnections, successful or not, are recorded by distinctive events. Events can be seen on the student session events page by superusers.
Manage Students and Live Proctoring pages are not live reloading nor interconnected. When working with multiple tabs or with multiple users, reload the page before changing something in case there is already an update that was made somewhere else.
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