It is possible for users with the roles "Superuser" and “Administrator” to customise the copy of the exam-taker experience, in any language you wish to provide.
This feature allows test-takers to take exams in other languages, with translations or instructions that are closer to the experience you would like to provide.
We currently offer 2 options:
- Customise the default translations that we provided;
- Add a new language by providing your own full translation of the entire experience.
ProctorExam content management is available at the Institute level.
Please note that each Exam can use a different language file, but that it's not possible to use multiple languages for one Exam.
- Switch to the desired institute where you would like to amend the copy (use a sandbox or UAT institute for testing)
- Navigate to the Institute settings page and choose the Content Management (new UX) tab.
- Choose the desired language / workflow stage and click on the file icon, then choose download to download the corresponding translation to your local machine. Eg system-check.en-GB.html
- Open the file in a text editor that supports HTML. We can recommend Sublime Text
- Locate the element which contains the copy that you would like to modify and replace the text within the corresponding <template> </template>
IMPORTANT: Only the text of the root <template> element can be modified by customers while any nested elements or attributes such as <img> or <a href> are read-only and will cause the upload to fail if modified from the original.
- Save the file.
- Return to the Content Management page and upload the file to the same Language / Workflow slot by clicking the upload button. Note that you will receive an error when uploading a file that originated from a different language slot since some read only elements (images) are language specific.
- Once uploaded, translation files which have been customised will be indicated on the interface by a blue tick mark. Users are able to download the customised file or reset to the original copy.
IMPORTANT: The copy changes will take immediate effect on the selected Institute for ALL exams using the new UX. Make sure to test the results by taking a proctored session.
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