Back office
Student List Page: The “Exam Status” and “Review Status” are now separate fields.
Exam Status: The status of the student session (registered, exam finished etc)
Review Status: The status of the review process for this student session (Not Reviewed, In Review, Reviewed etc)
Student Session Page
Added session token
Added “Overall comment”
Bug Fixes
Exam-taker: Fix for correctly displaying the Institute’s logo in the new exam-taker experience
Exam-taker: Fix for bug that may sometimes allow exam-takers to inadvertently double-click the “Next step” button and thereby skip a step in the exam setup.
Administration: Fix for some events missing in the student session’s event page, making it seem as if a student wasn’t assigned a proctor when in reality they were assigned.
Exam-taker: Fix for the support chat briefly flashing when the exam-taker starts a session
Exam-taker: Fix for “Missing translations” briefly shown before showing the Exam successfully ended screen when test takers end a Proctorexam session.
LTI 1.3: Fix for the activity list in Canvas being incomplete
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